Robert Bailey Luncheon
Posted on Tue Oct 25, 2022
Warren & Simpson host speakers each month. They are aiming to start conversations within the Bar Association and bring people together on important topics. In October, they hosted Robert Bailey, a Wall Street Journal bestselling author from Huntsville.
He grew up as a local. His parents were integral parts of our community. As a child his family members noted how much he loved stories. He studied history at Davidson College of North Carolina, went to Law School at Alabama, and has been a practicing lawyer for the past 22 years. Now, he lives in Huntsville with his wife and three children.
Bailey is a lawyer in town. He writes fast-paced legal thrillers with wildly interesting characters. Warren & Simpson hosted him at the luncheon to hear about his new book, “Rich Blood”. The story is about a billboard lawyer in Alabama who has to return to his hometown to help his sister with legal troubles. It is set in Lake Guntersville. Longtime fans of Bailey were thrilled by the ingenuity.
Talking to Robert Bailey was so exciting. Hearing about a book from the author is such a treat. A small group of his colleagues sat around a delicious lunch at a conference room overlooking Big Spring Park. He was giddy telling us about the parts of himself he wrote into his characters. There was a lot of anticipation around Easter eggs from characters in previous books.
Local writers are interesting to meet in their hometowns. At some of the tables were people who knew his parents and grandparents. They stood up and told about the legacy they see in Bailey and his writing. We were also encouraged to ask questions about his process and journey into being an author. He had a lot to say about waking up at 4:30 in the morning to write, and how it got harder from there. His advice for writing a novel was to start with a synopsis and go deeper from there. He is an animated and exciting person to hear speak.
Warren & Simpson are building community within the Bar Association in Alabama by hosting monthly speakers. In September, they hosted Don Seigelman who spoke on reforming the death penalty in Alabama. In October they hosted Robert Bailey, a lawyer from Huntsville who is a bestselling author. If you would like to join them for the next speaker, get in touch here.