Mayor Battle Luncheon Recap

Posted on Tue Dec 27, 2022

Every month, Warren & Simpson holds a luncheon and hosts a speaker to have a conversation important to the Bar Association in North Alabama. They have hosted lawyers who moonlight as bestselling authors, former Governors of Alabama, and in this month's spotlight, they had Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle as a speaker. 

Battle was elected as Huntsville’s mayor in 2008. He has been serving his fourth term since 2008. This means when Mayor Battle began his term it was in the wake of the recession after the bursting of the US housing bubble and global financial crisis. Many people were unemployed with very few opportunities for employment in the area. The North and Southern parts of town were very different when he first took office. Battle says he put emphasis on supporting middle employment. One thing he wanted to make sure Huntsville could do is allow the average high school graduate an opportunity to make a good salary here at home. To do that, he recruited advanced manufacturing into the area. This would not only give graduates a good wage but also help them develop skills that they could carry throughout their careers. 

Since those early years of Mayor Battle's tenure, Huntsville has advanced in every way that he could’ve envisioned. Over the past 14 years, Huntsville has grown exponentially. Mayor Battle has preemptively added more infrastructure to support that growth. As noted, workforce development was a top priority. Fast forward until today and Huntsville has more jobs than it can fill. 

Mayor Battle couldn’t be happier and more excited with the quality of life that Huntsville now offers. Huntsville was rated the best place to live in America by the US News and World Report over taking Boulder, Colorado. This can be credited to the many new attractions in Huntsville such as:

  • The Orion Amphitheater
  • New Professional Soccer Club
  • Many local breweries
  • Lowe Mill
  • Renovation of Lincoln Mill
  • Trash Pandas
  • Sand Volleyball
  • Concerts
  • The number of available jobs 

You can see that Mayor Battle is proud of this city and its people and is happy to call Huntsville home. We are honored that he took the time to speak at the luncheon. Warren and Simpson will continue these monthly luncheons. We can't wait to see who they have next. Visit Warren and Simpson to stay up to date.